"Hi,I've set up this blog for me to log and share my progress as an amateur photographer. I've always enjoyed taking and looking at photographs as one of my hobbies. I have a particular penchant for pictures taken in black & white but that doesn't stop me including a splash of colour
every now and then."

Friday, 1 October 2010


I'll be overhauling and updating this blog in the next couple of days!
With loads of new photo's to display

Saturday, 5 June 2010

My First Day Shooting with my SLR

Hi, So here goes!
Today was my first real attempt at photography with no cheating by using the auto focus. I took myself off around some of my favourite parts of London, I shall visit the others as I refine my art.

I am also considering working on a Photography Porject with a specific theme. I shall divulge more once I have more of an idea myself on here or on my general blog.

Click on the image below to have a look at the whole album and you'll see what I got up to today!